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Train routes suspended through Tuesday; special bus shuttle now operating in Carpinteria

Sep 22, 2023

Managing Editor

Carpinteria's Line 20 will remain suspended through the rest of Tuesday, although bus services in other areas of the county are slowly resuming service, following a modified Sunday schedule. Line 28, the UC Santa Barbara shuttle, will also not operate Tuesday due to the ongoing weather conditions.

Santa Barbara MTD will operate a special shuttle in Carpinteria on the south side of the Highway 101 Tuesday, following the highway's 2 p.m. opening, the service announced Tuesday afternoon. The shuttle will run from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday from the corner of Carpinteria Avenue and Seventh Street, with service planned for 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday.

Service on the Amtrak Surfliner Train remains suspended between Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo due to severe weather. Regular service is expected to resume tomorrow, weather permitting, Amtrak said in a statement on its Twitter account.

Bus schedules can be found at or by calling (805) 962-3366.

[Updated 01/10/2022 2:44 p.m.]

Managing Editor

CVN Managing Editor Evelyn Spence is going on her sixth year reporting on hot-button issues in Santa Barbara County. She is passionate about covering local, city and school board issues. Send tips to [email protected].

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