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The Scouting Scene In The Devil In Me

Jan 02, 2024

Follow Kate and Mark in this scene from The Devil in Me as they try to find a good shot - and a good time to talk about their recent breakup.

We’ve already seen the touch-and-go nature of Kate and Mark's relationship in The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me. Hints dropped by other characters imply the pair has been through a very recent breakup, and neither of them seem to be handling it all that well.

RELATED: The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - How To Get The Ultimatum Ending

Mark asked for time off to get his head straight, while Kate is doing the opposite and trying to work through her emotions. In this scene, however, we get our first big conversation between the two. Will they rekindle their romance by the end of the shoot? That's up to you to decide.

We're dedicated to bringing you full coverage and have played the game several times to be as thorough as possible.

Like all games in The Dark Pictures Anthology, however, The Devil in Me is about making choices that matter. Because of this, the game has many minuscule details, and we acknowledge we may miss a few minor details.

Kate enters without knocking and suggests to Mark that the two of them sneak off together to get some footage for the show without Charlie's input. She can tell something is bothering him, but he doesn't want to elaborate right away.

Regardless, Kate pushes, bringing up a job offer Mark turned down to save himself a train each day. Mark has three responses here.

If you joke about the job, Kate seems annoyed – she's trying to have a real conversation with you. If you’re earnest, she pushes, but Mark shuts it down. Saying nothing sees Kate annoyed that Mark won't engage with her.

Either way, the pair agree that natural light would look the best for their shoot, and Mark receives the option to compliment Kate when she says she "just wants to look decent."

If Mark is enthusiastic, Kate says she's tired of the rest of the crew's attitude and just wants to get some work done. If you choose to reassure her, she giggles about you buttering her up and implies it's working. If you say nothing, Kate tells you she wants input from the director of photography on the project.

After a comment about their breakup and Mark letting everyone assume Kate dumped him and letting her be the bad guy, Kate seems torn about how to react to the group's reaction. Mark has three replies.

The conversation changes drastically from here depending on which choice you make in this particular dialogue section.

If you’re hesitant, Mark reminds Kate they agreed to keep their breakup professional and asks her to lay off him. This opens an entire branch of dialogue that's only available if you have Mark speak up, offering an interesting look into their dynamic. Kate apologizes and reiterates the plan to focus on work, and Mark has three options for what to say.

If you have Mark try to be serious, Kate reminds him what he said during their breakup and won't let him lament about being sad before going to the hall.

If you’re supportive, Kate says nothing else before leaving the room to find the balcony. Saying nothing sees Kate disappointed that you have nothing to say before going into the hallway to continue the shoot.

If you erred toward excited a moment ago, instead of asking if you can say something, Kate teases Mark about the term "the golden hour." They move on to look for the balcony without further breakup talk.

After the conversation in Mark's room, the pair leave to begin their shooting. Mark suggests the balcony, and they set off to find a way out there.

You’re introduced to Mark's camera inventory item before you get too far. There are trophies and achievements for taking photos of every member of your crew, as well as finding all of Mark's crime scene photo ops, too.

Mark, unfortunately, seems to love facing the wrong way sometimes when you instruct him to shoot, and moving him while he's looking through his camera can be a bit of a task.

Attempting to enter Kate's room, the open door by the stairs she's standing by, will cause her to close the door. She reminds you of boundaries and urges you to move on with searching.

Head up the staircase left of her room to progress. You’ll find the picture premonition for this chapter along the walls down one of the hallways. There's some cool world-building, too, but your ultimate goal is the set of double-doors Kate's standing near, at the top of the stairs, off to the right.

RELATED: Relatable Things Every Player Does In The Devil In Me

This dreary, oversized room is the hotel's library, and it's full of several secrets before you move on. Mark can notice The Groundskeeper outside the windows in the corner, which doesn't count as an actual clue.

If you’re looking for the game's secrets, all three from this chapter are in the library. There's a J. Morello Holmes Book on the desk after the clock jumpscare, a Newspaper Clipping hidden in a book on the top shelf that Mark will need his monopod to get down, and Sherman Tape 1 in a tape player on a table in the side room.

The Balcony you’re searching for is in this room, but of course, the door is locked. Send Mark into the side room in the library and look through the glass pane on the door to see a key hanging inside. However, because nothing is simple, that door is locked as well.

Mark will need to push the shelves around on the first floor of this room to make himself a series of platforms he can jump to.

Climb the ladder and wrap around the upper level to push a cart down to the first level of the room, then return to the first floor, where you can now push it around. Push the cart directly forward from where you found it to get over the first big gap, then climb up onto the platform you can access now.

In the next room, go left and duck under a fallen beam to find a ladder down to the first floor. There's a large wooden bookshelf with a metallic handle on the outside that Mark can grab to move the shelf. Do so, and put it into the space for the big gap on the second floor you saw upon entry.

Climb back to the entrance and jump across your new platform, then drop the ladder down on the other side. Climb back down and move the large shelf into the clearing in debris beside the ladder you just dropped, then go back up there and jump across this new platform.

At the end of the second platform, you should see a large hole in the wall.

Climb into the hole, then use the ladder nearby to climb down before using the ledge across from you to climb back up through the next opening, which drops you into the room with the key to the balcony. After you get it, you can leave through the previously locked door right behind you.

Key in hand, return to the locked door in the library and use the key to access the balcony. As Mark and Kate prepare to get shooting, they have another conversation, during which you respond as Mark.

Things begin when Kate checks herself in a compact mirror before the shoot, and Mark can say one of two things.

After this brief dialogue exchange, Mark finds Marie's jewelry from the prologue chapter. He also locates H. H. Holmes’ original hat, which is an animatronic that will pop out and try to stab the guests. There's no reaction you need to hit, but it gets Kate and Mark talking again.

Erin calls out to Charlie from the lobby just below that it's almost dinnertime. Overhearing her mentioning him, Kate and Mark begin talking about Charlie, which segues seamlessly into the next scene.

NEXT: The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - Achievement/Trophy Guide

After writing for more than two decades and playing RPGs and simulation games since the N64's heyday, Gabrielle loves having married two of her passions here at TheGamer. Outside of work, she's also a big fan of baking, bass guitar, anime, and jokes so unfunny that they're sort of hilarious.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Cynical: Earnest: Say Nothing. joke earnest Saying nothing Enthusiastic: Reassuring: Say Nothing. enthusiastic reassure say nothing Hesitant: Excited: Say Nothing. The conversation changes drastically hesitant keep their breakup professional Serious: Supportive: Say Nothing. serious supportive Saying nothing Mark suggests the balcony Mark's camera inventory item Attempting to enter Kate's room Head up the staircase left of her room the set of double-doors Kate's standing near, the hotel's library J. Morello Holmes Book Newspaper Clipping Sherman Tape 1 the door is locked push the shelves around on the first floor push a cart down to the first level of the room Push the cart directly forward climb up onto the platform go left Mark can grab to move the shelf put it into the space for the big gap jump across your new platform drop the ladder move the large shelf into the clearing in debris beside the ladder go back up there and jump Climb into the hole the room with the key to the balcony another conversation, Insistent: Encouraging: Marie's jewelry H. H. Holmes’ original hat it's almost dinnertime