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Shoplifters handed suspended sentence, ordered to reimburse supermarket

Jul 09, 2023

A young couple who were caught red-handed while shoplifting at a Mellieħa supermarket on Sunday evening were handed a suspended sentence after admitting to the theft upon arraignment on Tuesday.

Nika Chkhaidze, 27 and Maia Martikovi, 25, both cleaners from Georgia resident at Mellieha, were arrested on Sunday evening after the supermarket manager alerted the police, telling them that he planned to stop the couple at the cash desk.

Officers from the Qawra police station soon arrived on site. The manager explained that it was not the first time he had noticed the suspects removing items from the shelves, emptying the containers into their bags and heading out without paying for the goods.

Among the stolen merchandise were hair accessories and foodstuffs.

The police accompanied the couple to their home where a search yielded a Remington hair straightener which was one of the items previously reported stolen.

The two were jointly charged with several acts of theft with a total value of €595.

Assisted by an interpreter and two legal aid lawyers, the pair registered an admission, with the woman red-faced and weeping throughout the hearing.

When making submissions on punishment, lawyer Brandon Muscat, assisting Chkhaidze, suggested a minimum punishment, arguing that effective imprisonment would not be adequate in this case. The couple have a 6-year-old son and the sooner they got back on the right path, the better, he pleaded.

Lawyer Leontine Calleja, assisting Martikovi, added that the accused were willing to reimburse the supermarket according to the estimate presented by the prosecution.

The prosecution did not object to the defence's suggestion of a suspended sentence.

Magistrate Kevan Azzopardi condemned each of the accused to a 13-month jail term suspended for two years.

They were ordered to pay the supermarket €595 jointly by means of €100 monthly instalments with the first payment falling due at the end of June.

Inspector Warren Galea prosecuted.

Lawyer Brandon Muscat assisted the man, while lawyer Leontine Calleja assisted the woman, both as legal aid counsel.

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