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SGA takes steps towards more bike racks and other campus projects

Sep 20, 2023

Harris Village bike racks south of Farmer Hall Building B.

In the last general meeting, the Student Government Association discussed possible new additions to campus, including new bike racks to help accommodate space issues.

The new bike racks would be added to Harris Village. Right now there are not enough bike racks for the three buildings in Harris Village. With the mass amount of students living in these housing buildings, the availability of bike racks for these students is not big enough for everyone to store their belongings. In addition, the placement of bike racks are only located on the south side of Farmer Hall Building B.

Bikes placed in front of facility doors due to lack of bike rack space available.

Due to lack of storage space some students have to place their bikes in front of facility doors on the first floors and some students even store their bikes in their own dorms due to lack of space.

There was also mention that hammocks for the botanical garden will be arriving any day now, which will give students a new way to spend their down time. With such busy schedules as it nears the end of the semester as finals are coming up, the hammocks will give students an opportunity to rest and unwind.

Other additions to campus that are in the works are the revamping and updating of mobile charging stations. This is to provide more suitable charging stations for students to utilize around campus. There was also talk about adding more vending machines around campus for students and faculty to make them easy and accessible.

As well as "Project Shuttle" which is the Panther Shuttle Tracking system in the works to allow students access to what route or site the shuttle is on for the most accurate timing.

The SGA fulfilled their intentions on bringing reusable cups to campus. This is set to be implemented after Thanksgiving break. Using these reusable cups can get you a discount at Einstein, Starbucks and Twisted Bliss Smoothies in Clemente.

SGA's new office is located on the second floor of Evans Hall.

Lastly, the SGA office is moving. The new location is in Evans Hall room 202.

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