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Police beat 6/2/23

Apr 02, 2023

From Conway Police Department reports

On May 11, police responded to a call at the Glenrock apartments on Dave Ward Drive in reference to a report of property damage. Police spoke to the caller who said that her car parked on the east side of the parking lot was damaged after a large tree branch fell on her car. Police described the damages in the police report as "disabling" and said that all of the windows on the car were busted out due to the branch crushing the car.

On May 12, police responded to a call in reference to a criminal mischief report. Police spoke to the caller who said that between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. that day, someone knocked over a shoe rack in her backyard which caused the shoe rack to break. The shoe rack contained several trays for garden plats that were destroyed. The caller told police that the estimated cost of damages was about $100. She declined to list a possible suspect at the time, the police report stated.

Jordan Wooodson can be reached at [email protected]

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